• A claim must be fully processed, and payments are held until all pending issues are resolved. While issues are pending or during appeals, you must request payment each week to avoid your claim closing. The amount of time claims take to process varies and may take up to 4 to 5 weeks from the file date.
  • If you have a Program Integrity Issue on your claim, please ensure you upload a copy of your Driver's License or ID, a picture of yourself, a picture of your Social Security Card or Birth Certificate, and a current bill reflecting your current address matching your claim information at a minimum. Additional documents may be requsted to resolve the issue.
  • If you do not provide documents requested by us, your claim may be denied. Uploads may be made directly into the issue in MyUI+ or on our website under the "Upload Documents Section at http://ColoradoUI.gov.

Attention MyUI+ users: A system update is preventing suggested addresses from appearing in the address fields. If you are unable to enter your address, you will need to clear your internet browser cache to resolve this issue. Please visit the following links for instructions on clearing a browser cache on Google Chrome, Safari, FireFox, and Microsoft Edge.

Claimant Login

Sign in with an existing account Sign in with ID.me
Create an account Create an account ID.me

This system is for Official Use Only and contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Any misuse or unauthorized disclosure of information may result in both Civil and Criminal penalties.

Apply for Benefits

If you received $2,500 or more in wages on a W-2 from any employer where taxes were withheld in the last 18 months, you are likely eligible to file a claim for unemployment benefits.s

Gather your income-related information, such as pay stubs, and be prepared to provide information about your work history in the last 18 months, including the name and address of the business, dates you worked, and rate of pay.

Next Steps After Filing Your Claim

Once you've opened your unemployment claim, there are a few things you need to do in order to remain eligible for benefits and receive payments on time.

Remain able and available to work, and complete weekly work search activities.

Required registration with your local workforce center.

Request payment each week via your MyUI+ account or by phone.

For more information, visit the Eligibility and Work Search Requirements page on our website.

Protect Yourself from Scams

Fraudsters often use spoofed websites—fake sites which copy an official site's design—to trick unsuspecting victims into giving up personal or financial information.


CDLE will never send you a text message with a link to log into your account. To be sure that you are accessing the official MyUI+ portal and not a fake site, access your MyUI+ account via CDLE's official website at ColoradoUI.gov .

1099-G Tax Forms Available in MyUI+

If you received unemployment benefits in 2023, you can download a copy of your 1099-G tax form from your MyUI+ account. Please log in and go to "View Correspondences."

You can request a correction if you believe the 1099-G form you received has an error, or you received a 1099-G form in your name despite not having received unemployed benefits.

Request a Correction